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Version: 2.0.x


Woodpecker comes with built-in support for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise. To use Woodpecker with GitHub the following environment variables should be set for the server component:


You will get these values from GitHub when you register your OAuth application. To do so, go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> GitHub Apps -> New Oauth2 App.


Do not use a "GitHub App" instead of an Oauth2 app as the former will not work correctly with Woodpecker right now (because user access tokens are not being refreshed automatically)

App Settings

Client Secret Creation

After your App has been created, you can generate a client secret. Use this one for the WOODPECKER_GITHUB_SECRET environment variable.

All GitHub Configuration Options

This is a full list of configuration options. Please note that many of these options use default configuration values that should work for the majority of installations.

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB - Enables the GitHub driver (Default: false)

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_URL - Configures the GitHub server address (Default:

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_CLIENT - Configures the GitHub OAuth client id to authorize access (Default: empty)

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_CLIENT_FILE - Read the value for WOODPECKER_GITHUB_CLIENT from the specified filepath (Default: empty)

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_SECRET - Configures the GitHub OAuth client secret. This is used to authorize access. (Default: empty)

  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_SECRET_FILE - Read the value for WOODPECKER_GITHUB_SECRET from the specified filepath (Default: empty)


  • WOODPECKER_GITHUB_SKIP_VERIFY - Configure if SSL verification should be skipped (Default: false)