Woodpecker CI plugins
This list contains plugins which you can use to easily execute usual pipeline tasks.
🎉 Add your pluginGit Clone
This is the default plugin for the clone step.
Docker Buildx
plugin to build multiarch Docker images with buildx
Plugin to upload coverage reports to Codecov.io.
Surge preview plugin
Plugin to create static pages deployments as preview environments on pull-requests.
S3 Plugin
Plugin to publish files and artifacts to Amazon S3 or Minio.
Node PM
Execute NPM, PNPM, Yarn or Bun scripts
This plugin can be used to check if a repository is following prettier rules.
Extend env plugin
Extend your .env file with additional variables like semver information.
Regex Check
Plugin to check if files contain specified regex or match the wildcard
Gitea Create Pull Request
Plugin to create a new pull request on a Gitea/Forgejo repo.
Gitea Comment
Plugin to add comments to a Gitea Pull Request
Plugin to publish golang package to a Gitea Go Package Registry
Git Push
Commit and push to an git repo via SSH
plugin to publish any artifacts to any WebDAV server
plugin to publish Debian package on a Aptly repository
Plugin to trigger manual or deployment pipelines of a repository.
Plugin to create a release and upload assets
Woodpecker Email
plugin to send build status notifications via Email.
Woodpecker Feishu Bot
Send notify to feishu/飞书 in text or markdown format
plugin to send notifications to a ntfy.sh instance
Plugin to find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM and more.
Plugin to build mkdocs sites
Plugin to check if TODOs has an open issue number to the project repository (currently only gitea/forgejo supported)
Nextcloud Upload
Upload files to Nextcloud using chunking and optionally add tags to files
Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet Update
Update a Kubernetes deployment or statefulset
Dockle plugin for Woodpecker-CI
Scan containers with dockle
NixOS remote builder
Plugin to use the nix store of a remote system to remote build given Nix flake paths
Ready release go 🚀
Plugin for semi-automated releases.
Nix - Attic
Plugin for building and caching nix derivations using attic
Codeberg Pages Deploy
Deploy project to Codeberg Pages
Reviewdog golangci-lint
plugin to do code review using golangci-lint using Woodpecker CI pull request builds
Reviewdog ESLint
plugin to do code review using ESLint using Woodpecker CI pull request builds
Plugin to execute Ansible playbooks
Plugin to build container images without root privileges
Gradle Wrapper Validation
plugin to validate the checksums of Gradle Wrapper JAR files
Sonatype Nexus
Plugin to publish artifacts to Sonatype Nexus
Mastodon Post
Post statuses to Mastodon.
Bluesky Post
Post statuses to Bluesky.
Send message to Discord channel using Webhook
Deployments plugin
Update deployments in your forge
Gitea Generic Package
Plugin to Publish Artifacts to Gitea Generic Package Registry.
Is It Up Yet
Plugin to check for a service to start listening on a specified host and port.
Docker Tags
Plugin to autogenerate tags for building docker images from Git and CI events.
Plugin for sending Telegram notifications
EditorConfig Checker
A tool to verify that your files follow the editorconfig rules.
Teams Notify
Plugin to send pipeline status notify to Microsot Teams
Git Basic Changelog
Plugin to generate basic changelog based on git commit message
Use Hugo static site generator to create HTML output
Home Assistant Notify
Plugin to send notifications of pipeline status via Home Assistant
Microsoft Teams Notification
Plugin to send pipeline notifications to Microsoft Teams using Adaptive Cards