Woodpecker 3.0.0
We are excited to announce the release of Woodpecker 3.0.0! Along with various cleanup improvements, you can now register your own agents as a user and replay pipelines directly from the server using cli exec.
We are excited to announce the release of Woodpecker 3.0.0! Along with various cleanup improvements, you can now register your own agents as a user and replay pipelines directly from the server using cli exec.
Here is the next minor release 2.5.0 of Woodpecker 🪶 ☀️.
A typical CI pipeline contains steps such as: clone, build, test, package and push. The final build product may be artifacts pushed to a git repository or a docker container pushed to a container registry.
When these should be deployed on an app server, the pipeline should include a deploy step, which represents the "CD" in CI/CD - the automatic deployment of a pipeline's final product.
There are various ways to accomplish CD with Woodpecker, depending on your project's specific needs.
This example shows how to build a container image with podman while verifying the base image and signing the resulting image.
Sometimes you want to debug a pipeline. Therefore I recently discovered: https://github.com/ekzhang/sshx
I run Woodpecker CI with podman backend instead of docker and just figured out how to build images with buildah. Since I couldn't find this anywhere documented, I thought I might as well just share it here.
We are proud to present you Woodpecker v2.0.0 with more than 350 changes from our fabulous community. This release includes a lot of new features, improvements and some breaking changes which most of you probably already tested using the next
tag or the RC version.
We are proud to present you Woodpecker v1.0.0. It took us quite some time, but now we are sure it's ready, and you should really have a look at it.
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