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Plugins / woodpecker-gitea-publisher-golang


by sinlov

Plugin to publish golang package to a Gitea Go Package Registry


plugin as for to publisher golang package


  • push to gitea Go Package Registry
  • use TempDir to generate go mod zip file
  • support dry-run mode
  • auto get gitea base URL by CI_FORGE_URL
  • support Monorepo
    • use settings.gitea-publish-golang-path-go to publish dir go.mod one by one
  • out publish info json file default dist/go-mod-upload.json
    • use settings.gitea-publish-golang-update-result-root-path to change out root path, default dist
    • use settings.gitea-publish-golang-update-result-file-name to change out file name, default go-mod-upload.json


Name Required Default value Description
debug no false open debug log or open by env PLUGIN_DEBUG
gitea-publish-golang-api-key yes gitea api key, Required
gitea-publish-golang-base-url no gitea base url, default by CI_FORGE_URL
gitea-publish-golang-insecure no false gitea insecure enable
gitea-publish-golang-dry-run no false dry run mode
gitea-publish-golang-path-go no publish go package is dir to find go.mod, will append project root path, default is this project root path
gitea-publish-golang-remove-paths no ["dist"] publish go package remove paths, this path under gitea-publish-golang-path-go, default will remove dist
gitea-publish-golang-update-result-root-path no dist out result root path append CI Workspace, default dist
gitea-publish-golang-update-result-file-name no go-mod-upload.json out file name, default go-mod-upload.json

Hide Settings:

Name Required Default value Description
timeout_second no 10 command timeout setting by second
gitea-publish-golang-timeout-second no 60 gitea release api timeout second, default 60, less 30
woodpecker-kit-steps-transfer-file-path no .woodpecker_kit.steps.transfer Steps transfer file path, default by wd_steps_transfer.DefaultKitStepsFileName
woodpecker-kit-steps-transfer-disable-out no false Steps transfer write disable out


  • workflow with backend docker

docker hub version semver docker hub image size docker hub image pulls

  backend: docker
    image: sinlov/woodpecker-gitea-publisher-golang:latest
    pull: false
      # debug: true
      # gitea-publish-golang-dry-run: true # dry run mode
      gitea-publish-golang-api-key: # gitea api key, Required
        from_secret: gitea_api_key_release
      gitea-publish-golang-path-go: "" # publish go package is dir to find go.mod, will append project root path, default is this project root path
      gitea-publish-golang-remove-paths: # publish go package remove paths, this path under `gitea-publish-golang-path-go`, default will remove `dist`
        - "dist"
      # gitea-publish-golang-update-result-root-path: "dist" # out result root path append CI Workspace, default `dist`
      # gitea-publish-golang-update-result-file-name: "go-mod-upload.json" # out file name, default `go-mod-upload.json`
  • workflow with backend local, must install at local and effective at evn PATH
  • install at ${GOPATH}/bin, latest
go install -a

GitHub latest SemVer tag) GitHub release)

  • install at ${GOPATH}/bin, v1.0.0
go install -v
  backend: local
    image: woodpecker-gitea-publisher-golang
      # debug: true
      # gitea-publish-golang-dry-run: true # dry run mode
      gitea-publish-golang-api-key: # gitea api key, Required
        from_secret: gitea_api_key_release
      gitea-publish-golang-path-go: "" # publish go package is dir to find go.mod, will append project root path, default is this project root path
      gitea-publish-golang-remove-paths: # publish go package remove paths, this path under `gitea-publish-golang-path-go`, default will remove `dist`
        - "dist"
      # gitea-publish-golang-update-result-root-path: "dist" # out result root path append CI Workspace, default `dist`
      # gitea-publish-golang-update-result-file-name: "go-mod-upload.json" # out file name, default `go-mod-upload.json`
  • full config
  backend: docker
    image: sinlov/woodpecker-gitea-publisher-golang:latest
    pull: false
      debug: true
      gitea-publish-golang-dry-run: true # dry run mode
      gitea-publish-golang-timeout-second: 120 # gitea release api timeout second, default 60, less 30 
      gitea-publish-golang-api-key: # gitea api key, Required
        from_secret: gitea_api_key_release
      gitea-publish-golang-base-url: "" # default by CI_FORGE_URL auto to find
      gitea-publish-golang-insecure: true #  gitea insecure enable
      gitea-publish-golang-path-go: "sub-go" # publish go package is dir to find go.mod, will append project root path, default is this project root path
      gitea-publish-golang-remove-paths: # publish go package remove paths, this path under `gitea-publish-golang-path-go`, default will remove `dist`
        - "dist"
      gitea-publish-golang-update-result-root-path: "dist" # out result root path append CI Workspace, default `dist`
      gitea-publish-golang-update-result-file-name: "go-mod-upload.json" # out file name, default `go-mod-upload.json`


  • go mod zip file will generate by TempDir and try to remove after publish
  • template dir path graph tempDir/woodpecker-gitea-publisher-golang/{repo-hostname}/{owner}/{repo}/{build_number}

Known limitations

  1. go mod zip file generate by zip.CreateFromDir, this method will check as, so this kit use CI_COMMIT_TAG to generate version
  2. open gitea-publish-golang-dry-run mode can pass all check, but not publish to gitea
  3. but without event tag will use version mark as latest, this will not pass zip.CreateFromDircheck, so will not publish to gitea