Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord. They do not require a bot user or authentication to use.
The webhook provided by discord is a single URL which contains the webhook_id and the webhook_token. The URL follows the following pattern.
The discord plugin posts build status messages to discord channel. The below pipeline configuration demonstrates simple usage:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
webhook_id: xxxxxxxxxx
webhook_token: xxxxxxxxxx
Example configuration with TTS (text-to-speech) message:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
webhook_id: xxxxxxxxxx
webhook_token: xxxxxxxxxx
+ tts: true
message: "Testing from drone image"
Example configuration with override the default username of the webhook:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
webhook_id: xxxxxxxxxx
webhook_token: xxxxxxxxxx
+ username: appleboy
message: "Testing from drone image"
Example configuration with override the default avatar of the webhook:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
webhook_id: xxxxxxxxxx
webhook_token: xxxxxxxxxx
+ avatar_url: http://exampple.com/appleboy.png
message: "Testing from drone image"
Example configuration with a custom message template:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
webhook_id: xxxxxxxxxx
webhook_token: xxxxxxxxxx
+ message: >
+ {{#success build.status}}
+ build {{build.number}} succeeded. Good job.
+ {{else}}
+ build {{build.number}} failed. Fix me please.
+ {{/success}}
Example configuration using credentials from secrets:
- name: discord notification
image: appleboy/drone-discord
from_secret: discord_webhook_id
from_secret: discord_webhook_token
message: "Testing from drone image"
Secret Reference
discord_webhook_id : discord webhook id
discord_webhook_token : discord webhook token
Parameter Reference
webhook_id : webhook id
webhook_token : webhook token
avatar_url : override the default avatar of the webhook
username : override the default username of the webhook
tts : true if this is a TTS message
message : the message contents (up to 2000 characters)
Template Reference
repo.owner : repository owner
repo.name : repository name
: build status type enumeration, either success
or failure
: build event type enumeration, one of push
, pull_request
, tag
, deployment
build.number : build number
build.commit : git sha for current commit
build.message : git commit messsage for current commit
build.branch : git branch for current commit
build.tag : git tag for current commit
build.ref : git ref for current commit
build.author : git author for current commit
build.link : link the the build results in drone
build.started : unix timestamp for build started
build.finished : unix timestamp for build finished
Template Function Reference
uppercasefirst : converts the first letter of a string to uppercase
uppercase : converts a string to uppercase
: converts a string to lowercase. Example {{lowercase build.author}}
: converts a unix timestamp to a date time string. Example {{datetime build.started}}
success : returns true if the build is successful
failure : returns true if the build is failed
: returns a truncated string to n characters. Example {{truncate build.sha 8}}
urlencode : returns a url encoded string
: returns a duration string between now and the given timestamp. Example {{since build.started}}