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Environment variables

Woodpecker provides the ability to pass environment variables to individual pipeline steps. Note that these can't overwrite any existing, built-in variables. Example pipeline step with custom environment variables:

- name: build
image: golang
+ environment:
+ CGO: 0
+ GOOS: linux
+ GOARCH: amd64
- go build
- go test

Please note that the environment section is not able to expand environment variables. If you need to expand variables they should be exported in the commands section.

- name: build
image: golang
- environment:
- - PATH=$PATH:/go
+ - export PATH=$PATH:/go
- go build
- go test

${variable} expressions are subject to pre-processing. If you do not want the pre-processor to evaluate your expression it must be escaped:

- name: build
image: golang
- - export PATH=${PATH}:/go
+ - export PATH=$${PATH}:/go
- go build
- go test

Built-in environment variablesโ€‹

This is the reference list of all environment variables available to your pipeline containers. These are injected into your pipeline step and plugins containers, at runtime.

CICI environment namewoodpecker
CI_REPOrepository full name <owner>/<name>john-doe/my-repo
CI_REPO_OWNERrepository ownerjohn-doe
CI_REPO_NAMErepository namemy-repo
CI_REPO_REMOTE_IDrepository remote ID, is the UID it has in the forge82
CI_REPO_SCMrepository SCMgit
CI_REPO_URLrepository web URL
CI_REPO_CLONE_URLrepository clone URL
CI_REPO_CLONE_SSH_URLrepository SSH clone
CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCHrepository default branchmain
CI_REPO_PRIVATErepository is privatetrue
CI_REPO_TRUSTEDrepository is trustedfalse
Current Commit
CI_COMMIT_SHAcommit SHAeba09b46064473a1d345da7abf28b477468e8dbd
CI_COMMIT_REFcommit refrefs/heads/main
CI_COMMIT_REFSPECcommit ref specissue-branch:main
CI_COMMIT_BRANCHcommit branch (equals target branch for pull requests)main
CI_COMMIT_SOURCE_BRANCHcommit source branch (empty if event is not pull_request or pull_request_closed)issue-branch
CI_COMMIT_TARGET_BRANCHcommit target branch (empty if event is not pull_request or pull_request_closed)main
CI_COMMIT_TAGcommit tag name (empty if event is not tag)v1.10.3
CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUESTcommit pull request number (empty if event is not pull_request or pull_request_closed)1
CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELSlabels assigned to pull request (empty if event is not pull_request or pull_request_closed)server
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGEcommit messageInitial commit
CI_COMMIT_AUTHORcommit author usernamejohn-doe
CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAILcommit author email
CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR_AVATARcommit author avatar
CI_COMMIT_PRERELEASErelease is a pre-release (empty if event is not release)false
Current pipeline
CI_PIPELINE_NUMBERpipeline number8
CI_PIPELINE_PARENTnumber of parent pipeline0
CI_PIPELINE_EVENTpipeline event (see event)push, pull_request, pull_request_closed, tag, release, manual, cron
CI_PIPELINE_URLlink to the web UI for the pipeline
CI_PIPELINE_FORGE_URLlink to the forge's web UI for the commit(s) or tag that triggered the pipeline
CI_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TARGETpipeline deploy target for deployment eventsproduction
CI_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TASKpipeline deploy task for deployment eventsmigration
CI_PIPELINE_CREATEDpipeline created UNIX timestamp1722617519
CI_PIPELINE_STARTEDpipeline started UNIX timestamp1722617519
CI_PIPELINE_FILESchanged files (empty if event is not push or pull_request), it is undefined if more than 500 files are touched[], [".woodpecker.yml",""]
Current workflow
CI_WORKFLOW_NAMEworkflow namerelease
Current step
CI_STEP_NAMEstep namebuild package
CI_STEP_NUMBERstep number0
CI_STEP_STARTEDstep started UNIX timestamp1722617519
CI_STEP_URLURL to step in UI
Previous commit
CI_PREV_COMMIT_SHAprevious commit SHA15784117e4e103f36cba75a9e29da48046eb82c4
CI_PREV_COMMIT_REFprevious commit refrefs/heads/main
CI_PREV_COMMIT_REFSPECprevious commit ref specissue-branch:main
CI_PREV_COMMIT_BRANCHprevious commit branchmain
CI_PREV_COMMIT_SOURCE_BRANCHprevious commit source branchissue-branch
CI_PREV_COMMIT_TARGET_BRANCHprevious commit target branchmain
CI_PREV_COMMIT_URLprevious commit link in forge
CI_PREV_COMMIT_MESSAGEprevious commit messagetest
CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHORprevious commit author usernamejohn-doe
CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAILprevious commit author email
CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHOR_AVATARprevious commit author avatar
Previous pipeline
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_NUMBERprevious pipeline number7
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_PARENTprevious pipeline number of parent pipeline0
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_EVENTprevious pipeline event (see event)push, pull_request, pull_request_closed, tag, release, manual, cron
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_URLprevious pipeline link in CI
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_FORGE_URLprevious pipeline link to event in forge
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TARGETprevious pipeline deploy target for deployment eventsproduction
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TASKprevious pipeline deploy task for deployment eventsmigration
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_STATUSprevious pipeline statussuccess, failure
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_CREATEDprevious pipeline created UNIX timestamp1722610173
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_STARTEDprevious pipeline started UNIX timestamp1722610173
CI_PREV_PIPELINE_FINISHEDprevious pipeline finished UNIX timestamp1722610383
CI_WORKSPACEPath of the workspace where source code gets cloned to/woodpecker/src/
CI_SYSTEM_NAMEname of the CI systemwoodpecker
CI_SYSTEM_URLlink to CI system
CI_SYSTEM_HOSThostname of CI
CI_SYSTEM_VERSIONversion of the server2.7.0
CI_FORGE_TYPEname of forgebitbucket , bitbucket_dc , forgejo , gitea , github , gitlab
CI_FORGE_URLroot URL of configured forge
Internal - Please don't use!
CI_SCRIPTInternal script path. Used to call pipeline step commands.
CI_NETRC_USERNAMECredentials for private repos to be able to clone data. (Only available for specific images)
CI_NETRC_PASSWORDCredentials for private repos to be able to clone data. (Only available for specific images)
CI_NETRC_MACHINECredentials for private repos to be able to clone data. (Only available for specific images)

Global environment variablesโ€‹

If you want specific environment variables to be available in all of your pipelines use the WOODPECKER_ENVIRONMENT setting on the Woodpecker server. Note that these can't overwrite any existing, built-in variables.


These can be used, for example, to manage the image tag used by multiple projects.

- name: build
- image: golang:1.18
+ image: golang:${GOLANG_VERSION}
- [...]

String Substitutionโ€‹

Woodpecker provides the ability to substitute environment variables at runtime. This gives us the ability to use dynamic settings, commands and filters in our pipeline configuration.

Example commit substitution:

- name: docker
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko
+ tags: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}

Example tag substitution:

- name: docker
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko
+ tags: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG}

String Operationsโ€‹

Woodpecker also emulates bash string operations. This gives us the ability to manipulate the strings prior to substitution. Example use cases might include substring and stripping prefix or suffix values.

${param}parameter substitution
${param,}parameter substitution with lowercase first char
${param,,}parameter substitution with lowercase
${param^}parameter substitution with uppercase first char
${param^^}parameter substitution with uppercase
${param:pos}parameter substitution with substring
${param:pos:len}parameter substitution with substring and length
${param=default}parameter substitution with default
${param##prefix}parameter substitution with prefix removal
${param%%suffix}parameter substitution with suffix removal
${param/old/new}parameter substitution with find and replace

Example variable substitution with substring:

- name: docker
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko
+ tags: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:8}

Example variable substitution strips v prefix from v.1.0.0:

- name: docker
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko
+ tags: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG##v}