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Helm Chart

Woodpecker provides a Helm chart for Kubernetes environments:

helm repo add woodpecker oci://
helm install woodpecker woodpecker/woodpecker


To enable metrics gathering, set the following in values.yml:

enabled: true
port: 9001

This activates the /metrics endpoint on port 9001 without authentication. This port is not exposed externally by default. Use the instructions at Prometheus if you want to enable authenticated external access to metrics.

To enable both Prometheus pod monitoring discovery, set:

enabled: true
interval: 60s
labels: {}

If you are not receiving metrics after following the steps above, verify that your Prometheus configuration includes your namespace explicitly in the podMonitorNamespaceSelector or that the selectors are disabled:

# Search all available namespaces
matchLabels: {}
# Enable all available pod monitors
matchLabels: {}